"how the death of
Prince Rogers Nelson
changed my life"

Welcome to my world where the energies of both heaven and earth reside. I was just moseying along, living my life in the spring of 2016 when, in a flash, I felt a powerful energy - like a gust of wind - blast into my living room and into my very being.
Astonishingly, I would later come to learn that this was the spirit of Prince Rogers Nelson, who had recently passed.
As bizarre and unlikely as this may seem, and believe me I doubted and questioned for a long time, it is the truth.
And that was the beginning of what has become ongoing, enlightening close encounters with the spirit of Prince.

welcome to my world
the beginning
I have devoted considerable time and energy trying to make sense of this otherwise unfathomable experience.
Writing about it has been one of the ways I processed it.
These journal entries detail my experiences when it all began. They may also help you understand where my journey with Prince began.